Nordic Pirate Games
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2022 - 2022 1 $471,858 USD 5,112 $92 USD
Nordic Pirate Games was founded in 2018 by four board game enthusiasts with many years of experience playing board games. We've spent years perfecting Lying Pirates, gathering feedback from playtesters around the globe to provide our backers with a fun, competitive, and beautiful game that combines easy accessibility with genuine engagement.
Lying Pirates | The Race for the Pirate Throne
Lying Pirates | The Race for the Pirate Throne
A project in Stockholm, Sweden by Nordic Pirate Games 1 created

Lying Pirates is a first-to-finish dice game for 2-6 players. A thrilling race for the pirate throne which lasts 10-15 min/player.

Duration: 2022/08/28 - 2022/09/30 (32 days)

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