Patrick Engro
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2020 - 2021 3 $90,149 USD 324 $278 USD
Engro Games: Analog Game Design, Development, & Publishing
Bug Council of Backyardia / 庭国の虫会議
Bug Council of Backyardia / 庭国の虫会議
A project in Tokyo, Japan by Patrick Engro 3 created
TabletopCard GameCardsSolo

In the fantastical Kingdom of Backyardia, the council convenes. Manipulate their power, use it to your benefit & claim your allegiance!

Duration: 2021/08/02 - 2021/08/27 (24 days)

*** Failed ***

Thru the Appalachian - Make 100
Thru the Appalachian - Make 100
A project in Tokyo, Japan by Patrick Engro 3 created
TabletopDiceSet CollectionSolo

Take pictures, collect stamps, and log journal entries as you hike your way from Georgia to Maine!

Duration: 2021/02/10 - 2021/02/25 (14 days)

Reach & Okazaki
Reach & Okazaki
A project in Tokyo, Japan by Patrick Engro 3 created
TabletopCard Game

Two extremely unique 18 card micro-games, packaged into limited edition custom designed & hand-crafted button-string envelopes.

Duration: 2020/02/17 - 2020/03/10 (21 days)

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