Paul - Sky Development
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2018 - 2018 1 $21,783 USD 628 $35 USD
After running over 4 campaigns for others, I decided it was my turn to bring my work to the Kickstarter family with Build A Cure. I love to see others have a great time working together to survive and win. Past Campaigns: Ink The States Ink The Earth Ink The Planets: Make 100 Colleen Elizabeth Art Instagram: @skydevelopedgames
Build A Cure: The Bunker
Build A Cure: The Bunker
A project in Roanoke, VA by Paul - Sky Development 1 created
TabletopPost apocalyptic

Build A Cure with your team before the resources run out, or suffer the fate of the diseases that plague you.

Duration: 2018/07/29 - 2018/08/29 (30 days)

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