Peter Chiykowski
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2019 - 2021 2 $866,983 USD 9,588 $90 USD
Peter Chiykowski is the award-winning writer, editor, cartoonist, and designer behind the webcomic Rock Paper Cynic, the postcard fiction project The Shortest Story, and the Kickstarter sensation The Story Engine Deck of storytelling prompts. He has published five books and twice won the Aurora Award for “Best Graphic Novel” from the Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association. He has written for games like EMBERWIND and FRACTER, and his work has appeared or made mention in Entertainment Weekly, Newsweek, The Huffington Post, Best Canadian Poetry, Best Canadian Speculative Writing, Geek and Sundry, The Globe and Mail, Asimov's Science Fiction, and more.
The Story Engine: Deck of Worlds
The Story Engine: Deck of Worlds
A project in Vancouver, Canada by Peter Chiykowski 2 created

A deck of worldbuilding prompts for creating imagined lands, local lore, and story-driven maps for creative writing and tabletop RPGs.

Duration: 2021/05/18 - 2021/06/21 (33 days)

THE STORY ENGINE deck of endless storytelling prompts + book
THE STORY ENGINE deck of endless storytelling prompts + book
A project in Toronto, Canada by Peter Chiykowski 2 created

A deck of story prompts for writers, GMs, DMs & tabletop RPGs + a new book of piercing postcard stories from The Shortest Story

Duration: 2019/09/10 - 2019/10/12 (31 days)

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