Peter Holland
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2014 - 2015 2 $2,925 USD 30 $97 USD
28mm Righteous Army or Korean Warrior Monk army
28mm Righteous Army or Korean Warrior Monk army
A project in Birmingham, UK by Peter Holland 2 created

A range of 28mm war-games figures depicting the Korean irregular / warrior monk armies of the 15th/16th Century or Japanese invasions.

Duration: 2015/10/10 - 2015/11/11 (31 days)

28mm white metal Victorian SCI-FI and Steam Punk Figures
28mm white metal Victorian SCI-FI and Steam Punk Figures
A project in Worcester, UK by Peter Holland 2 created

A range of 28mm white metal figures for you Victorian Scifi and Steam Punk Games. Three Factions to choose from.

Duration: 2014/01/14 - 2014/02/14 (30 days)

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