Rachel Shiffrin
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2022 - 2022 1 $35,447 USD 646 $55 USD
Rachel is an escape room junkie who has spent her life designing escape game scavenger hunts for her friends. The only thing she would rather be doing than creating this project is playing it! She also runs escapely.com, which has hosted over 125,000 happy customers in its virtual and in-person team building events, mostly built around escape game puzzles.
Escape Game Meets Scavenger Hunt
Escape Game Meets Scavenger Hunt
A project in Las Vegas, NV by Rachel Shiffrin 1 created

Date night just got upgraded. Solve your way through this EPIC adventure! The world is your game board.

Duration: 2022/07/18 - 2022/08/11 (23 days)

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