Redzen Games
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2021 - 2021 1 $976,627 USD 7,420 $132 USD
Redzen is a new board game publisher with head office in Barcelona, Spain. We are a team of talented developers, artists, and professionals from all over the world with a background in different areas of the entertainment industry. We want to create immersive games focusing on the narrative and with mechanics and components catering for the player’s experience. Because the best story is not the one you tell; is the one you live.
Scarface 1920
Scarface 1920
A project in Barcelona, Spain by Redzen Games 1 created
TabletopEconomicMafiaCard DraftingHand ManagementSoloVariable Powers

Competitive mafia board game set in Chicago in the roaring 20s that blends worker placement, area control and deck-building mechanics.

Duration: 2021/06/14 - 2021/07/15 (30 days)

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