Richard Tretzel
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2022 - 2022 1 $135,518 USD 832 $163 USD
Born in Regensburg, Germany, I have been making music since the age of 5 (piano and later drums) and was already creating music on computers at the age of 9. I studied Architecture and Design in 1995 and joined the "Studiolecker" recording studios in Regensburg (Germany) in 1999. In 2013 I moved to Graz with my family and formed Green Lobster Recording Studios. In 2018 I co-founded " GmbH", (now "GreenLobster Media Technologies GmbH"), a start-up for adaptive audio software and library music, as the CEO and Senior Audio Engineer.
TableTone, an Interactive Audio App for TTRPG Game Masters
TableTone, an Interactive Audio App for TTRPG Game Masters
A project in Graz, Austria by Richard Tretzel 1 created

Highly flexible and automated soundscape that allows you and your friends to enjoy TTRPG with a more immersive experience than ever.

Duration: 2022/11/14 - 2022/12/15 (30 days)

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