Ricky Gene
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2019 - 2019 1 $0 USD 0 $0 USD
I’m the founder and creator of egrapevinestore.com and Pittman's Product the holder of the tallest grapevine tree | Guinness World Records. I think things up, and then I make them happen. Zombies The Cure is our first release and is a game which is quick fun and simple to learn, but with enough strategy and depth to keep playing over and over, a board game about zombies, monsters, freaks, and some ugly but cute little critters! Also is a card game, when putting together all the cards with the expansion packs will allow the cards to play as a stand-alone fun card game called 9RUN. So... go ahead and have some, Pure Crazy Family Fun Tonight.
Zombies The Cure™ Board game and the card game 9RUN™
Zombies The Cure™ Board game and the card game 9RUN™
A project in Nashville, TN by Ricky Gene 1 created
TabletopCard GamePartyDice

Play Zombies The Cure board game, or the card game 9RUN but trust nobody, not even your family or friends. JUST PURE CRAZY FAMILY FUN!

Duration: 2019/01/29 - 2019/02/28 (29 days)

*** Cancelled ***

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