Rob Hessler
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2022 - 2022 1 $2,686 USD 75 $36 USD
I'm an avid role-player with over 30 years of experience in everything from D&D to PbtA. By day I'm a freelance arts and culture writer for the Savannah Morning News, my local paper, and sit on the Cultural Affairs Commission, which works to bring more art to the people of our community. I'm also a visual and performance artist, and have received grants for my work from prestigious organizations such as The Puffin Foundation and Telfair Museums.
Living Room Heroes
Living Room Heroes
A project in Savannah, GA by Rob Hessler 1 created

A rules-lite tabletop RPG about telling stories around the family history you never had.

Duration: 2022/07/31 - 2022/08/22 (21 days)

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