Rob Mehew
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2017 - 2018 2 $7,351 USD 211 $35 USD
Epic Sci-Fi Tiles: Sci Fi Tiles for 3D Printers (OpenLOCK)
Epic Sci-Fi Tiles: Sci Fi Tiles for 3D Printers (OpenLOCK)
A project in Norwich, UK by Rob Mehew 2 created

Quick beautiful sci-fi tiles for 3D printers. STL files to print as many tiles as you wish. Please note: this is a digital product.

Duration: 2018/01/31 - 2018/03/03 (30 days)

Epic Dungeon Tiles: Fantasy Tiles for 3D Printers (OpenLOCK)
Epic Dungeon Tiles: Fantasy Tiles for 3D Printers (OpenLOCK)
A project in Norwich, UK by Rob Mehew 2 created

Quick beautiful dungeon tiles for 3D printers. STL files to print as many tiles as you wish. Please note: this is a digital product.

Duration: 2017/06/19 - 2017/07/20 (30 days)

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