Ryan Ziegler
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2020 - 2020 1 $4,654 USD 106 $44 USD
Meat Sweats the Game is a simple take-that card game for 4-8 players - it keeps everyone engaged and plays in about 10-15 minutes (regardless of player count).
Meat Sweats the Game
Meat Sweats the Game
A project in Milwaukee, WI by Ryan Ziegler 1 created
TabletopCard GamePartyHand ManagementTake ThatVariable Powers

A backyard BBQ card game for 4-8 players. Featuring take-that, player powers, simultaneous play, and setup to cleanup in 15 minutes.

Duration: 2019/12/13 - 2020/01/07 (24 days)

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