Skyport Games
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2020 - 2020 1 $57,112 USD 1,130 $51 USD
A board game designer and indie publisher who enjoys in creating, but also in playing all kind of board games. Our mission is to keep our customers constantly entertained! Our vision is to connect people through playing board games.
Ark: Awakening
Ark: Awakening
A project in Berlin, Germany by Skyport Games 1 created
TabletopSci-fiExplorationSoloVariable PowersWorker Placement

Explore, integrate and utilize the rooms of the vast space Ark in this engine building game with asymmetric factions and modular board.

Duration: 2020/02/24 - 2020/03/26 (30 days)

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