Stellar Artisan
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2021 - 2021 1 $78,052 USD 567 $138 USD
Stellar Artisan was founded to raise the bar of 3D printable wargaming terrain. We are on a mission to bring original concepts and intricate designs to life at a level never seen before for everyone who simply loves tabletop wargaming.
Stellarscapes - 3D Printable Sci-Fi Terrain
Stellarscapes - 3D Printable Sci-Fi Terrain
A project in Los Angeles, CA by Stellar Artisan 1 created

Highly detailed 3D-printable industrial sci-fi terrain for tabletop wargames.

Duration: 2021/05/03 - 2021/06/03 (30 days)

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