Stephen Caution
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2019 - 2019 1 $83,298 USD 1,844 $45 USD
Stephen Caution is an avid board gamer, bowler, and tech enthusiast. He is the CEO of Plaful, a company dedicated to bringing "fun to life" through new board games, media, and humorous things.
Dino Duel - a card game with dice, dinos, and extinctions!
Dino Duel - a card game with dice, dinos, and extinctions!
A project in Cleveland, OH by Stephen Caution 1 created
TabletopCard GameAnimalsCards

A tabletop game with quirky dinos, mass extinctions, and fights with friends (only in gameplay, we hope!).

Duration: 2019/03/21 - 2019/04/26 (35 days)

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