Stephen Lee
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2017 - 2020 6 $21,384 USD 285 $75 USD
You can contact Firesidecrations or our authors at emails to the authors are forwarded directly to them while questions or issues with the website or Kickstarter will be handled promptly. We have run several successful kickstarters for our company and for creators who we publish for.
The Geneva Cavern Mini Setting & 5e Monster Folio
The Geneva Cavern Mini Setting & 5e Monster Folio
A project in Jacksonville, FL by Stephen Lee 6 created

The Geneva Cavern Mini Setting & 5e Monster Folio

Duration: 2020/10/05 - 2020/11/05 (30 days)

The Geneva Cavern Adventures D&D 5e
The Geneva Cavern Adventures D&D 5e
A project in Jacksonville, FL by Stephen Lee 6 created

The Geneva Cavern Series. This effort will produce three new adventure Modules for AD&D 1e, D&D 5e, 77Worlds, & DragonScales RPGs.

Duration: 2019/07/25 - 2019/09/24 (60 days)

The Forgotten Dungeon Mega Adventure - AD&D, D&D5e, DS, 77W
The Forgotten Dungeon Mega Adventure - AD&D, D&D5e, DS, 77W
A project in Jacksonville, FL by Stephen Lee 6 created

The Forgotten Dungeon is an old school adventure that incorporates legendary artists from the days of TSR. AD&D, D&D5e, 77W, DSRPG

Duration: 2018/06/15 - 2018/07/30 (44 days)

*** Suspended ***

Eddie Jonas Forgotten Dungeon Mega Adventure for AD&D D&D5e
Eddie Jonas Forgotten Dungeon Mega Adventure for AD&D D&D5e
A project in Jacksonville, FL by Stephen Lee 6 created

The Forgotten Dungeon is an old school adventure that incorporates legendary artists from the days of TSR for AD&D, D&D5e, 77W, DSRPG

Duration: 2018/07/16 - 2018/07/23 (6 days)

Dragonscales Fantasy RPG by James M. Ward and Stephen A. Lee
Dragonscales Fantasy RPG by James M. Ward and Stephen A. Lee
A project in Elkhorn, WI by Stephen Lee 6 created

A new Fantasy RPG based on James M Wards Card System. Explore the Chromatic Kingdoms, the City of Concord, the great Rift Canyon.

Duration: 2018/06/04 - 2018/07/09 (34 days)

The Ultimate Apocalyptic Planet - 77 Worlds RPG James M Ward
The Ultimate Apocalyptic Planet - 77 Worlds RPG James M Ward
A project in Jacksonville, FL by Stephen Lee 6 created

From the Creator of the first SciFi/Post Apocalyptic RPG (Metamorphosis Alpha and Gamma World) comes a new RPG. The Lost 77 Worlds RPG.

Duration: 2017/01/27 - 2017/03/12 (43 days)

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