Steve Anna
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2021 - 2022 2 $679 USD 40 $17 USD
Co-owner and founder of Weebs In The Woods LLC.
Element Benders - Miniatures for Tabletop Gaming
Element Benders - Miniatures for Tabletop Gaming
A project in Johnstown, PA by Steve Anna 2 created

Heroic scale miniatures available in physical resin versions or .STL files

Duration: 2022/01/18 - 2022/02/18 (30 days)

Celebration of the Elements: Adventure & 3D Printable Minis
Celebration of the Elements: Adventure & 3D Printable Minis
A project in Johnstown, PA by Steve Anna 2 created

A complete Dungeons and Dragons 5E adventure including Miniature STL files, maps, Pre-generated characters, and an adventure module.

Duration: 2021/11/02 - 2021/12/03 (30 days)

*** Failed ***

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