Steve Hickey
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2019 - 2019 1 $3,974 USD 420 $9 USD
I’m probably most well-known as the editor of Monster of the Week, the tabletop RPG by Michael Sands. I’ve also designed, edited and published My Life as the GM, a guide to running My Life With Master and Left Coast: The Short Story edition. I’ve written and directed 'Hopeless' (feature film, 2000) and been the head writer of 'Lovebites', its spinoff TV series (2002).
Soth: a game of cultists vs investigators.
Soth: a game of cultists vs investigators.
A project in Auckland, NZ by Steve Hickey 1 created

A print-on-demand edition of Soth. In this game, you play small town cultists summoning a god while avoiding your suspicious neighbors.

Duration: 2019/02/23 - 2019/03/24 (28 days)

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