Steven Bailey
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2014 - 2017 2 $36,743 USD 877 $42 USD
Billionaire Banshee s First Expansion!
Billionaire Banshee's First Expansion!
A project in Hooksett, NH by Steven Bailey 2 created

Hit party game Billionaire Banshee wants to birth new cards

Duration: 2017/03/16 - 2017/04/22 (36 days)

Billionaire Banshee: Party Entertainment System
Billionaire Banshee: Party Entertainment System
A project in Hooksett, NH by Steven Bailey 2 created
TabletopCard GamePartyVideo Game ThemeCardsVoting

Would your friends date a Billionaire Banshee? How about a Dominatrix Cyclops? A card game to reveal secrets about friends!

Duration: 2014/04/10 - 2014/05/17 (36 days)

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