Sue Ann Derkach
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2020 - 2020 1 $5,486 USD 72 $76 USD
Elwood's Games is a fledgling little company that insisted on being hatched, whether anyone was ready for it or not. The creator of Stadium Dice, for example, was caught up in the tidal wave. So far it's been a great ride! Fun, anyone? The profile photo is Sue Ann and Elwood, circa 1996. She has always been creative and, even as a child, could come up with ways to entertain herself with things found within a 2-foot radius of where ever she happened to be. Sometimes her mind entertains itself when she isn't paying attention, and that is probably where Stadium Dice came from.
Stadium Dice (working title)
Stadium Dice (working title)
A project in Freehold, NJ by Sue Ann Derkach 1 created

A competitive dice game - Gladiator style!

Duration: 2019/11/02 - 2020/01/02 (60 days)

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