Summit Dice
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2020 - 2020 1 $27,360 USD 198 $138 USD
After using standard plastic sets for many campaigns, the search for the perfect gift for a very special someone led to the creation of a unique set of dice. This initial set inspired a drive to transform basic polyhedrons from the realm of simple tools to pieces of art that accentuate the story they drive. The resulting fusion of engineering and design can now be yours!
Summit Dice Collection: 3D Printed Cast Metal Dice
Summit Dice Collection: 3D Printed Cast Metal Dice
A project in Denver, CO by Summit Dice 1 created

Breathtaking metal dice offered in a variety of designs and materials. Shatter the limitations of your RPG rolls with our offerings.

Duration: 2020/10/22 - 2020/11/22 (30 days)

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