Tanner Stauss
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2021 - 2021 1 $102,230 USD 714 $143 USD
Tanner Stauss was born and raised in Paradise, CA. Nurturing his creative side he ended up pursuing a career doing camera work in the film and television industry in Los Angeles. When his hometown was horrifically destroyed by wildfire he felt compelled to return and do what he could help in the recovery. It was in this spirit that he came up with the idea for Paradise-Opoly to commemorate the town and eventually turn into a company that he could use to help others.
A project in Paradise, CA by Tanner Stauss 1 created

A board game memoir to the small mountain town of Paradise, CA that was destroyed by fire in 2018.

Duration: 2021/04/19 - 2021/05/20 (30 days)

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