The Enneagame
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2019 - 2019 1 $56,888 USD 2,286 $25 USD
Launching at 9 am PST on May 7th! We know how hard it is to find the perfect game for game night while connecting with the people around you. We are two Enneagram 7s who understand the value of the Enneagram as a tool to learn more about yourself and connect more deeply with your community. We invented the Enneagame to help you share or learn about the Enneagram in a fun and simple way.
The Enneagame™: A Card Game Based On The Enneagram
The Enneagame™: A Card Game Based On The Enneagram
A project in San Diego, CA by The Enneagame 1 created
TabletopCard GameCards

Introducing the world's first game based on the 9 fundamental personality types of the Enneagram. Created by two 7s (duh)

Duration: 2019/05/06 - 2019/06/06 (30 days)

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