The Freaky 42
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2018 - 2021 3 $71,672 USD 1,298 $55 USD
The idea of The Freaky 42 was born by a small group of passionate board game afficionados, all bound by a same scrumptious sense of humour and all driven by the same values: play hard, laugh hard and work hard! At the heart of our project : - propose clever games, off the beaten track - try our best to limit our “carbon footprint” in terms of manufacturing and shipping & focus on local production
Gare aux Relous
Gare aux Relous
A project in Paris, France by The Freaky 42 3 created

Enfin une solution efficace pour se débarrasser de tout les Relous en soirée ! (pour 2 à 6 sur une mécanique d'enchères et de bluff)

Duration: 2021/04/28 - 2021/05/11 (12 days)

Crazy Farmers and the Clôtures Electriques
Crazy Farmers and the Clôtures Electriques
A project in France, France by The Freaky 42 3 created

A fun & wacky strategic territory conquest board game where farmers fight each other on their custom tractors to expand their fields.

Duration: 2020/06/17 - 2020/07/04 (16 days)

Zombie A Social Club
Zombie A Social Club
A project in Paris, France by The Freaky 42 3 created

A fast-paced strategic card game where Punks, Hippies, Survivalists & Capitalists fight each other in the midst of a Zombie Apocalypse

Duration: 2018/10/15 - 2018/11/07 (22 days)

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