The Wanderer's Tome
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2021 - 2023 2 $63,902 USD 1,359 $47 USD
The Wanderer’s Tome is run by sisters Fleur and Chelsea Sciortino. The two have a passion for all manner of tabletop roleplaying games. Together they write, produce and design roleplaying content, from Murder Mystery Kits, Tabletop RPGs and other roleplaying supplements. They are dedicated to bringing well written and beautifully designed content, that is rich in storytelling, unique in setting, and deep in world building.
Wanderer s Companion - The Create-a-Portrait Sticker Book
Wanderer's Companion - The Create-a-Portrait Sticker Book
A project in Gzira, Malta by The Wanderer's Tome 2 created

Forge a mighty hero with hundreds of stickers for your next fantasy TTRPG campaign!

Duration: 2023/04/03 - 2023/05/04 (30 days)

Flabbergasted! A comedic tabletop RPG
Flabbergasted! A comedic tabletop RPG
A project in London, UK by The Wanderer's Tome 2 created

A comedic tabletop RPG set in the roaring 20s! Join a social club & get up to mischief & mayhem - all before your afternoon tea!

Duration: 2021/09/27 - 2021/10/19 (21 days)

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