Thomas Biskup
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2019 - 2019 1 $27,352 USD 556 $49 USD
Computer scientist, programmer, gamer, business man, QuinScape CEO, ADOM & Ultimate ADOM maintainer, RPG designer, photographer and continuously creative. I created the roguelike ADOM in 1994. Today it is seen as one of the five foundational roguelike games, still actively maintained and developed. ADOM has been played by hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of people over more than two and a half decades. Nowadays I am still working on ADOM (, its sequel Ultimate ADOM ( and the ADOM Roleplaying Game (, a modern fantasy roleplaying game with an old school soul and the ultimate pen & paper ADOM experience.
The ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery) Roleplaying Game
The ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery) Roleplaying Game
A project in Deutsch, Germany by Thomas Biskup 1 created

A modern fantasy pen&paper RPG experience with an old school soul. Based on a roguelike computer game legend with a history of 27 years

Duration: 2019/01/13 - 2019/02/13 (30 days)

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