Thomas Scott
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2014 - 2020 2 $4,196 USD 118 $36 USD
Raised in Arizona, USA, I was always that kid who had some crazy idea, from neighborhood recycling (before it was cool) to selling painted gold rocks. I love to invent and create. I currently reside in SE Idaho, minutes away from Yellowstone and Teton National parks and am raising a handful of kids. I spend as much time as I can in the summers away from the lighted screens and in the mountains. What do I do for work? Create cool stuff. Literally. Every day.
Infected! | Bunker the Healthy - Heal the Infected
Infected! | Bunker the Healthy - Heal the Infected
A project in Rexburg, ID by Thomas Scott 2 created
TabletopCard GameCards

Infected! Heal as many sick as you can, keep the healthy in your bunker and use your country's special skills to emerge strong.

Duration: 2020/05/18 - 2020/06/13 (25 days)

*** Cancelled ***

ak-rô-nym - The Hilarious Party Game of Made-up Acronyms
ak-rô-nym - The Hilarious Party Game of Made-up Acronyms
A project in Rexburg, ID by Thomas Scott 2 created

In a world of LOLs and FTWs, it's time we took control OMG! So assemble your BFFs and soon you'll be ROFL.

Duration: 2014/09/18 - 2014/10/16 (27 days)

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