Thorin Thompson
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2023 - 2023 1 $14,355 USD 338 $42 USD
Thorin “SonOvThrain” Thompson is a whiskey fueled bibliophile, with a penchant for cats. His works have been published through Owl Knight Publishing, Goodman Games and more! When not obsessively hammering keyboards into oblivion he can be found working on a multitude of television shows/movies sets or reading some Appendix N tome with a feline familiar always close at hand. Owl Knight Publishing is the inevitable conclusion of my sordid history with fantasy literature and the desire to continually create stories from the influences of great authors and their works.
Sky ov Crimson Flame + Blights ov the Eastern Forest
Sky ov Crimson Flame + Blights ov the Eastern Forest
A project in Atlanta, GA by Thorin Thompson 1 created
RPGDungeon CrawlBook

Two adventure modules for Dungeon Crawl Classics brimming with FOUL SORCERY and the ABHORRENT STENCH OF CHAOS!

Duration: 2023/01/31 - 2023/03/03 (30 days)

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