Thorny Games
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2016 - 2020 2 $292,151 USD 5,594 $52 USD
Thorny Games is an indie game studio out of San Francisco making quirky and thoughtful games about language and cryptography. We are Kathryn Hymes and Hakan Seyalioglu.
Xenolanguage: A Game about First Contact
Xenolanguage: A Game about First Contact
A project in Berkeley, CA by Thorny Games 2 created

A soulful sci-fi game where you uncover an alien language through a custom channeling board.

Duration: 2020/10/27 - 2020/12/08 (41 days)

Dialect: A Game about Language and How it Dies
Dialect: A Game about Language and How it Dies
A project in Poznan, Poland by Thorny Games 2 created

Build a language, build a world. Who were the Isolation, and how were they lost? In this game, your language is the story.

Duration: 2016/11/02 - 2016/12/09 (36 days)

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