Tome of Summoning
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2020 - 2023 2 $269,695 USD 2,929 $92 USD
We are a pair of professional creative designers with a love for tabletop role-playing games.
Deck of Encounters & Loot: Rollable Tables for DnD 5e
Deck of Encounters & Loot: Rollable Tables for DnD 5e
A project in Portland, OR by Tome of Summoning 2 created

Elevate your DnD 5e gameplay with loot and encounter tables! Enjoy randomized challenges and rewards to make your games more thrilling.

Duration: 2023/08/21 - 2023/09/21 (30 days)

Tome of Summoning: The All-In-One 5e Reference System
Tome of Summoning: The All-In-One 5e Reference System
A project in Portland, OR by Tome of Summoning 2 created

A beautifully illustrated reference system of creatures and NPCs to streamline your DnD 5e game.

Duration: 2020/09/08 - 2020/10/09 (30 days)

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