Tony Smallwood
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2019 - 2019 2 $3,629 USD 95 $38 USD
professional figure painter and model maker , also produces resin scenery
Popplewood Miniatures Investigators....Wave Two
Popplewood Miniatures Investigators....Wave Two
A project in Gateshead, UK by Tony Smallwood 2 created

28mm Metal Miniatures, ideal for Pulp and Horror Role Playing Games. Sculpted by the very talented Andrew May.

Duration: 2019/09/26 - 2019/10/27 (30 days)

Popplewood Miniatures Investigators
Popplewood Miniatures Investigators
A project in Gateshead, UK by Tony Smallwood 2 created

28mm Metal Miniatures, perfect for Pulp and Horror Role Playing Games. Sculpted by the very talented Andrew May.

Duration: 2019/03/11 - 2019/04/11 (30 days)

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