Unlikely Heroes Too
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2022 - 2022 1 $54,404 USD 837 $65 USD
Unlikely Heroes Studios is an independent comic book company with a team spread out all over America. They create, print, and publish high-quality comics. This is a second, legitimate Kickstarter account for their perfect bound and trade paperback projects. The Unlikely Heroes: Laurie Foster (Inker/Editor): Laurie has been drawing for more than 15 years and professionally inking for 8. She is also a graphic designer, editor, and cosplayer! She has done work for Valiant Entertainment, Kymera Press, and many others. Erek Foster (Swiss Army Knife): Erek is a professional letterer, photographer and musician and has helped the UHS team with books, video projects, sound design, and Kickstarter campaigns. Sarah White (Graphic Design/Marketing): Sarah is a graphic artist and hobby collector with lots of crazy awesome ideas for UHS.
The Sundering
The Sundering
A project in Hamilton, MT by Unlikely Heroes Too 1 created

As the broken body of the Ashen God crashed into the sea, searing blades of flame reshaped the land. A brand new 5e adventure awaits!

Duration: 2022/08/08 - 2022/09/08 (30 days)

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