Valorous Games
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2019 - 2022 2 $16,399 USD 364 $45 USD
Valorous Games is an independent game development studio that focuses on it's core title, Valor: the Heroic RPG. Valorous Games is focused on creating an RPG experience where players create any character they can imagine.
Valor: the Heroic Roleplay System Reprint
Valor: the Heroic Roleplay System Reprint
A project in Edmonds, WA by Valorous Games 2 created

An Anime-inspired Tabletop RPG in its second printing.

Duration: 2022/09/23 - 2022/10/24 (30 days)

Valor - Best in Class
Valor - Best in Class
A project in Seattle, WA by Valorous Games 2 created

A new adventure path and official setting for Valor: The Heroic RPG System

Duration: 2019/04/18 - 2019/05/19 (30 days)

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