Winsmith Games LLC
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2020 - 2022 2 $38,712 USD 1,034 $37 USD
Winsmith Games is a tabletop game design and publishing startup. Travis Winstead and David Smith both live in Northern VA and have been friends and played MTG since middle school (maybe Elementary School... I forget).
Junk Drawer
Junk Drawer
A project in Northern Virginia, VA by Winsmith Games LLC 2 created

Channel your inner organizational skills and clean that messy junk drawer in this tile-laying polyomino board game

Duration: 2022/07/25 - 2022/08/25 (30 days)

10 Gallon Tank
10 Gallon Tank
A project in Northern Virginia, VA by Winsmith Games LLC 2 created
TabletopAnimalsSet Collection

A split-and-choose card game where players take on the role of aquarists competing to stock the most aesthetically-pleasing aquarium.

Duration: 2020/01/20 - 2020/02/20 (30 days)

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