Woodpecker Games
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2022 - 2022 1 $229,183 USD 2,512 $91 USD
Formed in 2021, Woodpecker Games is a team of 3 board game designers and enthusiastic players based in Germany. We love board games. And we want more people to enjoy them. That's why we create, publish and distribute board games and organize various gaming events. Our newest project is Nanolith - an immersive, cyber punk role playing board game. We are a small company, but have big plans.
NANOLITH - Cyberpunk RPG Board Game
NANOLITH - Cyberpunk RPG Board Game
A project in Deutsch, Germany by Woodpecker Games 1 created

1-4 awakened heroes retrieve their dark memories in this RPG co-op, skirmish & story based board game. The Nanolith awaits!

Duration: 2022/08/14 - 2022/09/14 (30 days)

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