Worldwide Games
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2020 - 2020 2 $10,373 USD 300 $35 USD
Worldwide Games is a french publisher launched in July 2017. Its ambition is to offer quality sports themed games. In 2018, Worldwide Games met his first success with its soccer themed game: Worldwide Football.
Worldwide Tennis
Worldwide Tennis
A project in Magné, France by Worldwide Games 2 created
TabletopCard GameSportsDiceHand ManagementSolo

Tennis like you've never played before !

Duration: 2020/06/29 - 2020/07/17 (17 days)

Worldwide Tennis
Worldwide Tennis
A project in Magné, France by Worldwide Games 2 created

Tennis like you've never played before !

Duration: 2020/05/25 - 2020/07/17 (52 days)

*** Cancelled ***

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