Yari McGauley
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2019 - 2019 1 $0 USD 0 $0 USD
Hi I’m Yari, a beekeeper of 10 years and a closet board game lover, with my 2 kids Sonny & April I created Forage over the past year as a fun family project. I’m one of the team at Flow Hive, which makes the genius honey-on-tap bee hives which went ballistic on Indiegogo in Feb 2015 raising $12million. When Flow started making their Flow Hive 2 beehives using lasers I thought “hmm all those neat little offcuts would be great for a game”. That was Christmas 2017, now one year later here it is, The Bee Game, a unique handmade board game made from wood, canvas and clay.
Forage, The Bee Game
Forage, The Bee Game
A project in Mullumbimby, AU by Yari McGauley 1 created

An exciting and strategic Euro-style game about the world of bees for all ages.

Duration: 2018/12/04 - 2019/01/06 (32 days)

*** Cancelled ***

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