Zero Fucks Given
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2017 - 2022 6 $250,808 USD 5,932 $42 USD
We're just like you, trying to scratch by making a living doing fun stuff we love. Giving Zero Fucks, one coin at a time!
Go Fuck Yourself Coins
Go Fuck Yourself Coins
A project in Orlando, FL by Zero Fucks Given 6 created

Tell anyone to go fuck themselves with the flick of this hilarious coin!

Duration: 2022/06/26 - 2022/07/05 (8 days)

"Now or Never" Decision Maker Coin - By Zero Fucks Coin
"Now or Never" Decision Maker Coin - By Zero Fucks Coin
A project in Orlando, FL by Zero Fucks Given 6 created

Can't decide what to do? Flip this badass coin and let fate decide!

Duration: 2022/04/18 - 2022/04/29 (10 days)

Fuck COVID-19 :: I Survived Coronavirus 2020 Coin!
Fuck COVID-19 :: I Survived Coronavirus 2020 Coin!
A project in Orlando, FL by Zero Fucks Given 6 created

A commemorative coin to celebrate surviving this stupid fuckin' pandemic & these crazy fuckin' times! FUCK COVID-19! (Large 39mm, 1oz.)

Duration: 2020/05/17 - 2020/06/03 (16 days)

The "Honey Badger" Zero Fucks Given Coin
The "Honey Badger" Zero Fucks Given Coin
A project in Orlando, FL by Zero Fucks Given 6 created

LITERALLY GIVE Zero Fucks with these badass, high-quality, "tokens" of appreciation!

Duration: 2019/09/16 - 2019/10/01 (14 days)

NEW Zero Fucks Coins: Have A Nice Day, Asshole & 2¢ Coins!
NEW Zero Fucks Coins: Have A Nice Day, Asshole & 2¢ Coins!
A project in Orlando, FL by Zero Fucks Given 6 created

Hilarious high-quality coins for those of us with an awesome twisted sense of humor!

Duration: 2018/09/10 - 2018/10/10 (29 days)

ZFG - Fuck Yeah / Fuck No Decision Maker & Rat s Ass Coins
ZFG - Fuck Yeah / Fuck No Decision Maker & Rat's Ass Coins
A project in Orlando, FL by Zero Fucks Given 6 created

LITERALLY give a "Rat's Ass" and let fate decide life's next choice with the flip of our new "Fuck Yeah / Fuck No" Decision Maker coin!

Duration: 2017/11/01 - 2017/11/28 (26 days)

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